
Technology blog about stuff I love!

I'm a Systems Engineer, Web Operations/DevOps Engineer and budding entrepreneur. I currently work for ThreatMetrix and privously served stints at E*Trade Financial and CardioDx. I love automating things, pushing production code, working with linux at scale and dream of the day when systems are smart enough to never need to login to a Linux box.

I'm also a bookworm, traveler, scuba diver, sailor, aquarist, horticulturist, runner, anime watcher, foodie, husband, and father. If only there was more time in the world... If you really want to know more about me then check out my about.me, linkedin, or github for a list of other places I commonly lurk.

If you have any thoughts while reading this site I'd love to hear them. You can contact me on Twitter, or via email. Thanks for reading!

Oh, and here's the view from my desk