
Technology blog about stuff I love!

Just finished my Jenkins setup for this Jenkins blog. Jenkins is a pretty sweet Continuous Integration server. Here's how it all went down:

Install Jenkins

The first bit is straight from the Jenkin's setup page. No need to reinvent the wheel

wget -q -O abcd http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key | sudo apt-key add abcd
apt-key add abcd
sh -c 'echo deb http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'
apt-get update
apt-get install jenkins
passwd jenkins
su jenkins
git config --global user.name "Robert"
git config --global user.email "robert@uberobert.com"

Took a second, but forgot that I had to update my ec2 firewall so back on my MacBook:

ec2-authorize Blog -p 8080

I then dug into jenkin's plugins and added plugin for Github so I can track my repository and I also added the Github OAuth Plugin for authentication.

From here I went ahead and setup my links to my Github. I added my repository url and set it to "build periodically" as I want it to rebuild once per day. I'm using a Jekyll feature that will keep it from posting blogs that are dated in the future, so I'm having Jenkins re-run once per day so the new blog of the day gets posted at the same time. The Jenkins schedule is

0 1 * * *

I also set it to rebuild when a change is pushed to github, just to keep it all up to date. Finally I listed my shell commands I wanted it to run, these are pretty simple as Jekyll is pretty simple.

rsync -a ./_site/. /usr/share/blog/

That will make it rebuild the site and then rsync it to my chosen static file location. Finally I had it run a few builds, each time I usually got a minor error and just worked through them till I had working builds. Super! I've got a working site! Now it is time to secure Jenkins some.

Secure Jenkins

Hop on into Jenkin's "Configure Global Security" page. Now this part was a little tricky to find as the Github OAuth Plugin's documentation was a little out of date. First check "Enabled Security" then toggle on "Github Authentication Plugin". Leave the Github Uri the same, and now its time to get a Client ID and Secret. Browse to Github Applications and create a new "Developer Application". The URL is the URL/port used by your Jenkins server. The CallBack URL will be the Jenkins server with /securityRealm/finishLogin appended to the url. After creating the application Github will give you a Client ID and Client Secret for your Jenkins server. Great!

After putting those into your Jenkins server, you get to choose your authentication strategy. I personally like "Github Commiter Authorization Strategy". Although I'm not sure if I use it properly... It seems to be made for Github Organizations, which I'm not. So I just plopped my user name as an Admin User Name and left the Organization field blank. I also gave READ access to all Authenticated Users so you fine folks could poke around, be nice... At the end, save this guy and you should have authentication working.

Final Thoughts

So far Jenkins seems very powerful and easy to use and setup. I can't wait to implement it on a more complex site than a Jekyll blog. I could easily have recreated this simple setup with a single cronjob but where'd the fun be in that!

Have fun and stay out of trouble!